Robert V.S. Redick
News and Events
Boskone, ICFA, Worldcon, World Fantasy: 2022 Will Be My Year of De-Hermitage​
The headline says it all: virus permitting, I'm going to a bunch of cons this year! Cannot overstate how glad I am about it, too. I miss our community like the Dickens. Even more than the Dickens. Like the Dostoevsky.
Boskone's just ended, and it was brilliant despite the frigid weather and the fact that I had barely 36 hours at the con. Got to meet some wonderful new writers, including Ana Rüsche and César Santivañez, who came to frigid Boston all the way from Sao Palo and Lima, respectively (will you ever come back?!). Also reconnected with quite an amazing number of old pals too: Sarah Smith, Ted Chiang (Guest of Honor!), Marisca Pichette, James Patrick Kelly, James Cambias, Mike Allen, E.C. Ambrose--and of course, the incomparable Carlos Hernandez and C.S.E. Cooney, who were showcasing both Dark Breakers--Claire's JUST-PUBLISHED collection of stories set in her unspeakably lush and lyrical fantasy world--and Negocios Infernales--Carlos' lightweight, utterly fabulous new role-playing game, which I got my second taste of in a hands-on intro, and which goes on sale later this year.
Looking ahead, I'll be heading to ICFA next month in Orlando (my first time), Worldcon (Chicago) in September, and World Fantasy (New Orleans, baby!) in early November. Come winter, I intend for this feeling of social deprivation to be thoroughly assuaged.
Awards eligibility - 2021 Works

This sheep was bottle-fed by Dr. Strange.